Loan Rates

Auto Loans Rates

NEW Autos
Up to 36 months Rates as low as 4.99% - 14.00%
Up to 48 months Rates as low as 5.25% - 14.25%
Up to 60 months Rates as low as 5.49% - 15.00%
Up to 72 months Rates as low as 5.75% - 15.75%
Up to 84 months Rates as low as 5.85% - 16.25%
USED Autos
Up to 36 months Rates as low as 5.10% - 14.25%
Up to 48 months Rates as low as 5.45% - 14.75%
Up to 60 months Rates as low as 5.75% - 15.25%
Up to 72 months Rates as low as 5.85% - 15.75%
Up to 84 months Rates as low as 5.99% - 16.50%
6 – 10 years old Rates as low as 6.25% - 17.00%

Certain credit criteria and restrictions apply.
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.
Loan rates effective December 01, 2024, and are subject to change.
USECU does offer 100% financing. However, down payments may be required depending on the type of loan and credit experience.
A fixed rate loan for $20,000 based on an 4.25% APR paid over 60 months would have 60 monthly payments of $370.65.
**The maximum loan term is dependent on the age of the vehicle.

Personal Loans Rates

Line of Credit - revolving Rates as low as 9.50% - 18.00%
Unsecured Loan
Up to 12 months Rates as low as 9.50% - 17.00%
Up to 24 months Rates as low as 9.50% - 17.50%
Up to 36 months Rates as low as 9.50% - 18.00%
Up to 48 months Rates as low as 10.50% - 13.50%
Up to 60 months Rates as low as 10.75% - 13.75%
Share and Share Certificate Secured loans are 4% over the dividend rate.

Certain credit criteria and restrictions apply.
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.
Personal loan rate effective December 01, 2024.
A fixed rate loan for $10,000 based on an 9.00% APR paid over 36 months would have 36 monthly payments of $318.04.

Boat, Motorcycle, RV Loans Rates

Up to 84 months Rates as low as 5.79% - 16.50%
Up to 120 months Rates as low as 6.50% - 16.50%
Up to 144 months Rates as low as 6.99% - 15.99%
Up to 180 months Rates as low as 7.25% - 16.50%

Certain credit criteria and restrictions apply.
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate.
Loan rates are effective as of December 01, 2024, and are subject to change.
USECU does offer 100% financing. However, down payments may be required depending on the type of loan and credit experience.
A fixed rate loan for $20,000 based on an 5.25% APR paid over 84 months would have 84 monthly payments of $285.05.
**The maximum loan term is dependent upon the age of the vehicle.

Credit Card Rates

For Purchases 9.90%, 11.90%, or 12.90%
For Balance Transfers 9.90%, 11.90%, or 12.90%
For Cash Advances 9.90%, 11.90%, or 12.90%

Rates based on creditworthiness. Please refer to Visa Platinum Disclosure for more information.

For additional information, contact a Member Service Representative at 713-595-3400 or send an email to: